9 April 2007, 20:41 by mark hoekstra

100 million iPods sold

Well, this seems fitting news. *^_^*

Apple today announced that it sold 100 Million iPods.

I guess they don’t mind me coming up with ways of extending the life of a couple of those beautiful players, or would they? *^_^*

What do you think?

previous on this site:
turn your iPod mini into a flash based iPod
flash based iPod mini update, now up to 8GB!
the iPod mini remastered, now with 16GB!
battery life on the flash based iPod minis

and last but most definately not least…

put flash memory into (almost) ANY iPod!

permalink - add to del.icio.us

  1. abene jacob @ 23 April 2007, 17:10 :

    through the address below the apostolic academy box 121
    west africa

  2. Emil @ 5 May 2007, 21:20 :

    Just found this, thought it was funny:


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