11 March 2005, 02:54 by mark hoekstra

iNO is flying!

Although I’m on the breach of a new server and a new page… my little old SGI is getting a Grand Finale before it can retire…

So, once again, here’s iNO

ADDED Now also in Japanese, kid you not! (from the GT-logfiles)

...and this, is that Japanese too? :-)

...and this?

...and OMG

Just take a look at all the pages that have linked the iNO in the last couple of days? OMG (and of course a big thank you for everybody who linked me)

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  1. mir @ 14 March 2005, 13:32 :

    Congratulations for your humour…

    I’m waiting for your next project… ansiously..

    mir (spain).

  2. mir @ 14 March 2005, 17:35 :

    with “x”... anxiously… sorry

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